Combatting the cash bail narrative (Download this page as a pdf HERE)  ( Español)

  • There’s a common myth that under Illinois’ law, come January 1, repeat offenders will walk the streets committing violent crimes due to the lack of cash bail. That’s simply not true.
    • The new pretrial system will not simply release every person arrested for a crime. For example, it will ensure people held for forcible felonies, including murder or sexual violence, are detained until trial. Simply put: The Pretrial Fairness Act makes communities safer by allowing courts to hold violent offenders who would ordinarily be able to use cash to pay for release.
    • Under the SAFE-T Act if the accused person presents a risk of harming others or fleeing a judge can order pretrial detention. The Act also allows an arresting officer to release someone they have arrested if the release is in the public interest, with certain exceptions. People who pose a threat to the community will not be let back out on the streets.
  • Illinois’ previous reliance on cash bail held people in jail pending trial simply because they could not afford to pay bond rather than based on safety.
    • A wealthy person who committed an egregious offense is often let out of jail at a quicker rate than a financially at-risk person who committed a petty crime, solely on the basis of the money in their bank account.
  • Too many people cannot afford to cover their bond amount for release. Being poor is not a crime and should never be the sole reason a person remains incarcerated as they await their trial.
  • A major aspect of winning safety and justice for our communities is transparency and accountability, and the Pretrial Fairness Act does a lot to provide that.
  • Research shows that unnecessary pretrial incarceration undermines public safety by harming families and communities in multiple ways.
  • Pretrial incarceration creates barriers to maintaining employment and family stability.
  • People detained for as little as 72 hours are 2.5 times more likely to be unemployed one year later.
  • Pretrial incarceration harms household earnings: Past incarceration reduces annual income by as much as 40%.
  • Illinois’ new bail reform measure creates a smarter approach by basing these decisions on safety, rather than a defendant’s ability to pay.
  • In early August, a suburban man was arrested and charged after police found him in an Englewood park with five guns, a significant amount of ammo and notes referencing mass shootings. His bond was set at $300,000.
  • Following this report, questions circulated around if this man would have been able to walk freely had the elimination of the typical cash bail system been implemented.
  • As noted, the SAFE-T Act does not allow for the immediate release of every person arrested. Should the person pose a threat to themselves or others they will be held in jail. Under the SAFE-T act, it is likely the Englewood man would not have been immediately released because the unlawful use of a weapon is still a detainable offense. Additionally, though not charged, the Englewood man discharged his weapon, which is also specifically detainable.
  • Article reference: Suburban man arrested near Englewood with five guns, notes about mass shootings, significant amount of ammo


There’s a graphic social media image that is circulating that claims that people who commit the following offenses will be released without bail:

  • Aggravated battery
  • Aggravated DUI
  • Aggravated fleeing
  • Arson
  • Burglary
  • Drug-induced homicide
  • Intimidation
  • Kidnapping
  • Robbery
  • Second-degree murder
  • Threatening a public official
  • Intimidation
  • Aggravated fleeing and eluding
  • Drug offenses

This is not accurate due to different factors in each case. All of these individuals can be detained if the court believes the person will evade prosecution or not to show up for court. Additionally, the court retains the power to impose significant restrictions on individuals released before trial, including GPS monitoring and house arrest.

Also people detained for the list of above offenses can post bail and be released under the law today.

States Attorney Eric Rinehart of Lake County recently spoke about this in the Chicago Tribune. According to the article-

Rinehart said his office will consider the facts of each case, but will likely pursue pretrial detention for murders and predatory criminal sexual abuse cases, and could also see pretrial detention in many cases involving weapons or armed robbery charges.




Claim: There’s a list of violent crimes that people will not be arrested for come January 1, 2023 when the Pretrial Fairness Act portion of the SAFE-T Act takes effect.

Fact: The list is not accurate. Most of the charges listed are detainable if the court believes the person will not show up to court  and anyone who is arrested for one of these charges while already on pretrial release for another crime can be denied release until trial.

Fact: Under the Pretrial Fairness Act portion of the SAFE-T Act, persons accused of a crime involving the use of a gun can be held in jail until their trial without the option of paying bail if prosecutors present evidence to a judge that the person poses a danger to someone else or is a flight risk. The ad claims that the law will “set free” people charged with offenses like kidnapping and robbery - but in fact, the law allows courts to hold people accused of those offenses in custody if they pose a flight risk.


Claim: In Illinois, police will be banned from removing trespassers from your home as of January 1, 2023.

Fact: This is false. There is nothing banning police from removing trespassers from your home. The police maintain the discretion to arrest anyone who poses an obvious threat to the community or any person or to their own safety.


Claim: People currently incarcerated will be released January 1, 2023, when portions of the SAFE-T Act related to cash bail are effective.

Fact: After January 1, 2023, judges will still have the ability to detain people. Any person charged with murder may be denied pretrial release.

Fact: Under the current pretrial system, anyone in jail who makes bail can be released. In the current system, the amount of money someone has determines whether they can be released—not whether they pose a threat to someone else or are likely to flee prosecution.


Claim: If the SAFE-T Act had been in effect when Drew Peterson killed his wife he would not have been able to be arrested.

Fact: Anyone charged with murder who poses a threat to another person can and would be denied release under the Pretrial Fairness Act portion of the SAFE-T Act.


Claim: When Illinois eliminates cash bail January 1, 2023 murders, kidnappers and rapists will not be arrested, but instead just issued a notice to appear in court.

Fact: This is absolutely false. There is nothing in the Pretrial Fairness Act preventing arrests for these crimes. The Pretrial Fairness Act also allows all of these individuals to be detained pending trial. Only individuals who commit minor crimes are issued notices to appear in court. The Pretrial Fairness Act portion of the SAFE-T Act ensures that the facts of a person’s case will be the main factor determining who is jailed and who is released pretrial, instead of the size of their bank account.


Claim: Serial domestic abusers, sex offenders and residential burglars will be set free without judges being allowed to consider general public safety.

Fact: Judges retain the power to deny release for all these alleged offenses: domestic violence, sex offenses and residential burglary.


Claim: Law enforcement must complete their reports in a very short period of time in order to comply with the “48 hour rule”. In that short time frame, they will need to report to prosecutors and then prosecutors must review the reports, make charging decisions, bring offenders to court, and present evidence showing the accused is a threat. This is an almost impossible standard and an unfunded mandate.

Fact: There is already a time requirement between arrest and when someone must appear in court, which is based on US Supreme Court case law requirements. Currently, within 48 hours of arrest, a judge must make a finding of probable cause to allow law enforcement to keep someone in custody. The Pretrial Fairness Act portion of the SAFE-T Act does not change this initial timeline between arrest and appearance in court. The 24-hour and 48-hour timelines in the SAFE-T Act apply to detention hearings, which occur after someone has already appeared in court for the first time. As a result, the Pretrial Fairness Act portion will likely mean there is a longer timeframe between when someone is arrested and when the decision about their release or detention is made compared to the status quo.


Claim: The new law eliminates the ability to hold people in custody in an in-patient setting in clear crimes of substance abuse or mental illness.

Fact: Mental illness and issues with substance use are not crimes, and jails are not treatment centers. Judges retain the power to issue conditions of release including ordering treatment and assessments.  


Claim: Come January 1, 2023, no one will remain in jail longer than 90 days if they need a trial. After the 90th day, they get out, no matter what crime they committed and then, if they don’t show up for court, a warrant won’t be obtained and they won’t come back to court.

Fact: Nothing in the law requires the release of people on January 1, 2023. A determination on continued detention will need to be made in accordance with the law. The Illinois Supreme Court is working with courts and providing guidance on these hearings and more. It should be noted that individuals charged with violent crimes, such as murder and rape will still be detained under PFA.




The data on ending cash bail


Guide to Illinois Bail Law & Safety


Join the Movement to #EndMoneyBail in Illinois


Texas Bail Reform Reduced Jail Time and Crime, New Study Says


Don’t blame bail reform for higher crime, NYC watchdog says


As Nassau Executive Blasts Bail Reform, Data Shows Few Are Re-Arrested


We must follow facts, not fear: Bail reform not the reason for rise in some crimes in NYC


NYPD’s own stats debunk claims of bail reform leading to spike in gun violence


The Briefing:

The honest truth about bail reform written by criminal justice experts



Does Illinois’ SAFE-T Act Make Some Violent Crimes Non-Detainable Before Trial?


WMBD Peoria

FACT CHECK: What does the SAFE-T Act really do?


The vast majority of people on pretrial release comply with the terms of their release, show up for court dates and are not rearrested on a new accusation.


Studies that show this include:


Contra la narrativa de la fianza en efectivo (Contra la narrativa de la fianza en efectivo.pdf)

  • Hay un mito muy común que dice que según la ley de Illinois, a partir del 1 de enero, los delincuentes reincidentes andarán por las calles cometiendo delitos violentos debido a que no hay fianza en dinero. Eso no es cierto.
    • El nuevo sistema de prisión preventiva simplemente no liberará a todas las personas detenidas por un delito. Por ejemplo, garantizará que las personas detenidas por delitos graves, incluidos el asesinato o la violencia sexual, sean detenidas hasta el día de su juicio. En pocas palabras: la Ley de Equidad antes del Juicio hace que las comunidades sean más seguras al permitir que los tribunales retengan a delincuentes violentos que normalmente podrían salir bajo fianza.
    • Según la Ley SAFE-T, si el acusado presenta un riesgo de dañar a otros o de huir, un juez puede ordenar la detención preventiva. La Ley también permite a un agente de policía poner en libertad a alguien que ha detenido si la puesta en libertad es de interés público, con ciertas excepciones. Las personas que supongan una amenaza para la comunidad no podrán estar libres de nuevo en las calles.


  • En Illinois, la dependencia anterior de la fianza en dinero retenía a las personas en la cárcel en espera de su juicio simplemente porque no podían pagar la fianza, en lugar de tomar en cuenta la seguridad.
    • Una persona adinerada que cometió un delito atroz suele salir de la cárcel más rápidamente que una persona de bajo nivel económico que cometió un delito menor, basándose únicamente en el dinero que tiene en su cuenta bancaria.
  • Muchas personas no pueden pagar la fianza de liberación. Ser pobre no es un delito y nunca debería ser la única razón por la que una persona permanece encarcelada mientras espera su juicio.

Un aspecto importante para lograr la seguridad y la justicia en nuestras comunidades, es la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas; y la Ley de Igualdad antes del Juicio hace mucho para lograrlo.

  • Las investigaciones demuestran que el encarcelamiento preventivo innecesario atenta contra la seguridad pública porque perjudica a las familias y a las comunidades de muchas maneras.
  • El encarcelamiento previo al juicio pone obstáculos al mantenimiento del empleo y la estabilidad familiar.
  • Las personas detenidas durante tan solo 72 horas tienen 2.5 veces más posibilidades de estar desempleadas un año después.
  • El encarcelamiento previo al juicio perjudica los ingresos del hogar: El encarcelamiento del pasado, reduce los ingresos anuales hasta en un 40%.
  • La nueva medida de reforma de la fianza de Illinois crea un enfoque más inteligente al basar estas decisiones en la seguridad, en lugar de la capacidad de pago del acusado.
  • A principios de agosto, un hombre que vive en los suburbios fue detenido y acusado después de que la policía lo encontrara en un parque de Englewood con cinco armas, una cantidad considerable de munición y notas que hacían referencia a tiroteos masivos. Su fianza se fijó en $300,000.
  • Tras este informe, circularon preguntas sobre si este hombre habría podido salir en libertad si se hubiera puesto en práctica la eliminación del sistema típico de fianza en dinero.
  • Como se ha señalado, la Ley SAFE-T no permite la liberación inmediata de toda persona detenida. Si la persona representa una amenaza para sí misma o para los demás, será encarcelada. Con la ley SAFE-T, es probable que el hombre de Englewood no hubiera sido puesto en libertad inmediatamente porque el uso ilegal de un arma es todavía un delito sujeto a detención. Además, aunque no fue acusado, el hombre de Englewood disparó su arma, lo que también es específicamente un delito que se puede detener.



Está circulando en las redes sociales una imagen que afirma que las personas que cometan los siguientes delitos quedarán en libertad sin fianza:

  • Agresión agravada
  • Conducción en estado de ebriedad agraviado
  • Fuga agravada
  • Incendio provocado
  • Robo con allanamiento de morada
  • Homicidio relacionado con las drogas
  • Intimidación
  • Secuestro
  • Robo
  • Asesinato en segundo grado
  • Amenazar a un funcionario público
  • Intimidación
  • Fuga y evasión agravada
  • Delitos de drogas


Esto no es cierto, ya que en cada caso, existen diferentes factores. Todas estas personas pueden ser detenidas si el tribunal cree que la persona eludirá el proceso o no se presentará ante el tribunal. Además, el tribunal tiene la facultad de imponer restricciones significativas a las personas puestas en libertad antes del juicio, incluyendo la vigilancia por GPS y el arresto domiciliario.

También las personas detenidas por los delitos mencionados anteriormente pueden pagar la fianza y ser liberadas según la ley de hoy en día.

El Fiscal del Condado de Lake, Illinois Eric Rinehart, habló recientemente sobre esto en el Chicago Tribune. De acuerdo con el artículo-

Rinehart declaró que su oficina considerará los hechos de cada caso, pero que probablemente proseguirá con la detención preventiva para los asesinatos y los casos de abuso sexual criminal depredador, y que también podría ver la detención preventiva en muchos casos que impliquen cargos de armas o robo a mano armada.


Declaración - Hay una lista de crímenes violentos por los que la gente no será arrestada a partir del 1 de enero de 2023, cuando entre en vigor la parte de la Ley de Igualdad antes del Juicio SAFE-T.


Hecho - La lista no es correcta. La mayoría de los cargos enumerados son detenidos si el tribunal cree que la persona no se presentará ante el tribunal y cualquier persona que es detenida por uno de estos cargos mientras ya está en libertad provisional por otro delito puede ser negada la liberación hasta el juicio.


Hecho- Según la parte de la  Ley de Igualdad antes del Juicio, SAFE-T, las personas acusadas de un delito que implica el uso de un arma pueden ser retenidas en la celda hasta su juicio sin la opción de pagar la fianza si los fiscales presenten pruebas a un juez de que la persona representa un peligro para otra persona o es un riesgo de fuga. El aviso afirma que la ley “dejará en libertad” a personas acusadas de delitos como secuestro y robo, pero en realidad la ley permite a los tribunales mantener detenidas a las personas acusadas de esos delitos si suponen un riesgo de fuga.

Declaración- Las personas que actualmente están encarceladas serán liberadas el 1 de enero de 2023, cuando entren en vigor las partes de la Ley SAFE-T relacionadas con la fianza en dinero.

Hecho- Después del 1 de enero de 2023, los jueces todavía tendrán la facultad de detener a las personas. A cualquier persona acusada de asesinato se le podrá negar su libertad provisional.

Hecho- Bajo el actual sistema de prisión preventiva, cualquier persona en la cárcel que pague la fianza puede ser liberada. En el sistema actual, la cantidad de dinero que alguien tiene determina si puede ser liberado, pero no si representa una amenaza para otra persona o si es probable que se fugue de la justicia.

Declaración- Si la Ley SAFE-T hubiera estado en vigor cuando Drew Peterson mató a su mujer, no habría podido ser detenido.

Hecho- Cualquier persona acusada de asesinato que suponga una amenaza para otra persona puede ser y se le negaría la libertad en virtud de la parte de la Ley de Equidad Previa al Juicio de la Ley SAFE-T.

Afirmación- Cuando Illinois elimine las fianzas en efectivo a partir del 1 de enero de 2023 los asesinatos, secuestradores y violadores no serán arrestados, sino que solo se les emitirá un aviso para que comparezcan ante el tribunal.

Hecho- Esto es completamente falso. No hay nada en la Ley de Igualdad antes del Juicio que impida las detenciones por estos delitos. La Ley de Igualdad antes del Juicio también permite que todas estas personas sean detenidas en espera del juicio. Solo a las personas que cometen delitos menores se les emiten avisos para que comparezcan ante el tribunal. La parte de la  Ley de Igualdad antes del Juicio de la Ley SAFE-T garantiza que los hechos del caso de una persona serán el principal factor que determine quién es encarcelado y quién es liberado antes del juicio, en lugar del tamaño de su cuenta bancaria.

Afirmación- Los abusadores domésticos en serie, los delincuentes sexuales y los ladrones de viviendas, serán puestos en libertad sin que los jueces puedan tener en cuenta la seguridad pública general.

Hecho- Los jueces tienen la potestad de negar la libertad por todos estos supuestos delitos: violencia doméstica, delitos sexuales y robos en viviendas.

Declaración- Las fuerzas del orden deben completar sus informes en un periodo de tiempo muy corto para cumplir con la "regla de las 48 horas".  En ese breve plazo, tendrán que informar a los fiscales y, después, los fiscales deberán revisar los informes, tomar decisiones de acusación, llevar a los delincuentes a los tribunales y presentar pruebas que demuestren que el acusado es una amenaza. Esta es una medida casi imposible y un mandato sin fondos.

Hecho- Ya hay un requisito en cuanto al tiempo entre el arresto y el momento en que alguien debe comparecer ante el tribunal, que se basa en los requisitos de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos. En la actualidad, dentro de las 48 horas de la detención, un juez debe determinar una causa probable para permitir que las fuerzas del orden mantengan a alguien bajo custodia. La parte de la  Ley de Igualdad antes del Juicio de la Ley SAFE-T no cambia este plazo inicial entre la detención y la comparecencia ante el tribunal. Los plazos de 24 y 48 horas de la Ley SAFE-T son aplicables a las audiencias de detención, que tienen lugar después de que alguien haya comparecido por primera vez ante el tribunal. Como resultado, la parte de la Ley de Igualdad antes del Juicio probablemente significa que hay un plazo más largo entre el momento en que alguien es arrestado y cuando se toma la decisión sobre su liberación o detención en comparación con el status quo.

Declaración- La nueva ley elimina la posibilidad de mantener a las personas detenidas en un centro de internamiento en caso de delitos claros de abuso de sustancias o enfermedad mental.

Hecho- Las enfermedades mentales y los problemas de consumo de sustancias no son delitos, y las cárceles no son centros de tratamiento. Los jueces mantienen la facultad de imponer condiciones de libertad, incluyendo la orden de tratamiento y evaluaciones. 

Declaración- A partir del 1 de enero de 2023, nadie permanecerá en la cárcel más de 90 días si necesita un juicio. Después de los 90 días, saldrán, sin importar el delito que hayan cometido, y entonces, si no se presentan al tribunal, no se obtendrá una orden judicial y no volverán al tribunal.

Hecho- No hay nada en la ley que ordene la liberación de las personas el 1 de enero de 2023. Una resolución sobre la continuación de la detención tendrá que ser hecha conforme a la ley. La Corte Suprema de Illinois trabaja con los tribunales y da orientación sobre estas audiencias y más. Se debe tener en cuenta que los individuos acusados de crímenes violentos, como el asesinato y la violación seguirán siendo detenidos bajo PFA.


La reforma de la fianza en Texas reduce el tiempo de cárcel y la delincuencia, según un nuevo estudio

No se debe culpar a la reforma de la fianza por el aumento de la delincuencia, dice el guardián de la ciudad de Nueva York


Mientras que el ejecutivo de Nassau critica la reforma de la fianza, la información muestra que son pocos los que vuelven a ser detenidos

Hay que guiarse por los hechos, no por el miedo: la reforma de la fianza no es la razón del aumento de algunos delitos en NYC


Las propias estadísticas de la policía de Nueva York desmiente las afirmaciones de que la reforma de la fianza ha provocado un aumento de la violencia armada

La sesión informativa:

La verdad sobre la reforma de la libertad condicional elaborada por expertos en justicia penal

The vast majority of people on pretrial release comply with the terms of their release, show up for court dates and are not rearrested on a new accusation.


Entre los estudios que lo demuestran están:



Belleville News-Democrat

Chief judge in St. Clair County gives verdict on first wave of hearings after cash bail system ends

By Mike Koziatek – September 20, 2023


Illinois Newsroom (IPM News, NPR)

217 Today: Illinois no longer has cash bail. Are courts ready?

By Farrah Anderson – September 19, 2023


Capitol News Illinois

As SAFE-T Act goes live, murder suspects previously eligible to post bond are held in jail

By Beth Hundsdorfer and Hannah Meisel – September 19, 2023


The Griffin Daily News

St. Clair Chief Judge on No Cash Bail

By McClatchy, Belleville News-Democrat – September 19, 2023


Internewscast Journal / WCIA-TV

Macon County navigates first day of no cash bail system

By N/A – September 19, 2023


KSDK-TV St. Louis

County jails begin releasing defendants after Illinois ends cash bail

By Mark Maxwell – September 19, 2023


Northern Public Radio / WNIJ News

End of no cash bail ushered in Winnebago County with no major glitches

By Maria Gardner Lara – September 19, 2023


Quad-City Times

Rock Island County navigates first day without cash bail as part of SAFE-T Act

By Anthony Watt – September 19, 2023


WBEZ Chicago

Courts in counties across Illinois take first steps into a world without cash bail

By Will Bauer, Mawa Iqbal, Chip Mitchell, Edith Brady-Lunny – September 19, 2023



SAFE-T Act implementation smooth in Kendall County

By Ethan Kruger – September 19, 2023


Yahoo News / Rockford Register Star

Most Rockford area defendants go free on first day of no cash bail in Illinois

By Jeff Kolkey – September 19, 2023


CBS 2 Chicago

Illinois becomes first state to end cash bail

By Asal Rezaei and Chris Tye – September 18, 2023


Chicago Sun-Times

Bail reform sees a smooth rollout in Cook County

By Matthew Hendrickson and Tom Schuba – September 18, 2023


Chicago Sun-Times

In Domestic Violence Court, promising first day of bail reform as judge works ‘few kinks out of the system’

By Sophia Sherry – September 18, 2023


Daily Herald

'It went well': As cashless bail starts in suburban courts, who was detained, who wasn't

By Barbara Vitello and Susan Sarkauskas – September 18, 2023


The Pantagraph

How McLean County courts handled the first day without cash bail

By Kelsey Watznauer – September 18, 2023


Rock River Current

Day 1 Without Cash Bail: 27 Cases Heard, Including One Involving The Shooting Death Of A 10-Year-Old

By Kevin Haas – September 18, 2023



SAFE-T Act now in effect, Central IL counties navigating changes in courts, jails

By Amanda Brennan – September 18, 2023



Champaign County adjusts to new no-cash bail law: State's attorney confident in justice system

By Mariena Lang – September 18, 2023


WTTW News Chicago

A Look Inside Cook County Courtrooms on the Day Cash Bail Ends in Illinois

By Matt Masterson – September 18, 2023


Chicago Sun Times

Cash bonds keep people in jail who are innocent until proven guilty

By N/A – November 11, 2020


Chicago Appleseed

“Bail Reform” Worked in Cook County; Now, Pass the Pretrial Fairness Act and End Money Bond for Everyone in Illinois”

By N/A – December 4, 2020


Southside Weekly

An End to Cash Bond in Illinois is Only the Beginning of Restorative Justice

By Nikki Roberts – December 9, 2020


Chicago Sun Times

“Black Caucus bills include important police reforms”

By CST Editorial Board – January 11, 2021


Chicago Council of Lawyers

“VICTORY: Illinois Just Passed the Pretrial Fairness Act and Ended Money Bail”

January 13, 2021


In These Times

“The Illinois Legislature Just Voted to End Cash Bail. Here's How Organizers Made It Happen.”

By Alice Herman – January 13, 2021


League of Women Voters of Chicago

“Support Pretrial Fairness”

By League of Women Voters of Chicago – January 13, 2021


The Pantagraph

“Criminal justice reform package will head to governor”

By Raymon Troncoso- January 13, 2021


Restore Justice Illinois

“Restore Justice Applauds Illinois Legislature for Passing Historic Criminal Law Reforms”

January 13, 2021


Block Club Chicago

“Illinois Votes To Stop Jailing People Who Can’t Afford Bail: ‘This Is Not A Just Or Equitable System’”

By Pascal Sabino – January 14, 2021


Huffington Post

“Illinois General Assembly Passes Sweeping Criminal Reform Bill”

By Dominique Mosbergen – January 14, 2021


Injustice Watch

“Illinois lawmakers move to end cash bail with ‘Pretrial Fairness Act’”

By Emanuella Evans – January 14, 2021


Public News Service

“IL General Assembly Approves End to Money Bond”

By N/A – January 14, 2021


Rockford Register Star

“They want justice now. And who can blame them?”

By Scott Reeder – January 14, 2021


The Telegraph

“HB 3653 incorporates law enforcement concerns”

By Andy Manar – January 14, 2021


Chicago Sun Times

“Nobody should sit in jail because they are poor. Can we agree on that?”

By CST Editorial Board - January 18, 2021


Chicago Tribune

Op-ed: Criminal justice reform: Too fast? Ask communities of color if it feels ‘rushed.’

By Kimberly A. Lightford – January 18, 2021


Capitol Fax

“How about we wait to see if it works or not before everybody loses their freaking minds?”

By Rich Miller – January 19, 2021


Chicago Tribune

“Column: Many oppose criminal justice reform bill. To what extent have they been misled?”

By Ted Slowik – January 19, 2021


Chicago Sun Times

“Criminal justice and police reforms in Illinois sure to lead to a more just world

By Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle Jan 20, 2021


The Daily Northwestern

“Pretrial Fairness Act would make Illinois first state to abolish cash bail”

Yiming Fu – January 21, 2021


Injustice Watch

“Illinois criminal justice reform bill critics playing ‘Fear-Mongering Bingo’ says State Sen. Robert Peters”

By Robert Peters – January 21, 2021


NPQ (Non-Profit Quarterly)

“Illinois Votes to End Cash Bonds by 2023”

By Carole Levine – January 21, 2021


Chicago Sun Times

“Every attack on new Illinois police reform legislation is predictable — and wrong”

By Rep. Justin Slaughter – January 22, 2021


Chicago Tribune

Letters: Victim compensation is a critical part of the criminal justice reform bill

By N/A – January 24, 2021


Black News Alerts

“Illinois Passes Pre-Trial Fairness Act, First State to Pass Such Legislation”

By Natalia Perez – January 25, 2021


Chicago Sun Times

“Reforms would reduce number of wrongful convictions”

By CST Editorial Board – January 25, 2021


Commercial News

“Letter: Justice reform in Illinois long overdue”

By Mary Catherine Roberson – January 25, 2021


Chicago Defender

“OP-ED: Criminal Justice Reform Victory the Result of Many.”

By Richard Wallace – January 26, 2021


Chicago Tribune

“Op-ed: Ending cash bail will improve public safety”

By Sharone Mitchell Jr. January 27, 2021


Bellville News-Democrat

“Illinois’ Pretrial Fairness Act helps marginalized people, so stop the fear mongering”

By Marie Franklin – January 28, 2021


Chicago Sun Times

“Ending the criminalization of poverty”

By Letters to the Editor Jan 31, 2021, 12:08pm CST

Robbin Stuckert

Presiding Judge, 23rd Judicial Circuit

Chair, Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Pretrial Practices


Effingham Daily News

Letter to the Editor: Pretrial detention reform must be effective

By Robin Stuckert, January 31, 2021


Chicago Sun Times

“Criminal justice reform is really about safety for people and police”

By Arne Duncan – Feburary 2, 2021


Chicago Tribune

“Guest commentary: Criminal justice reform package will ‘make our streets safer and our system fairer’”

By Eric Rinehart – February 3, 2021


Community Renewal Society

“Community Renewal Society Requests Governer Pritzker to Sign HB3653”

By N/A – February 3, 2021


Daily Herald

“Crime bill was carefully drafted to meet needs”

By Elgie Sims – February 4, 2021


Journal Star

“Commentary: Black Illinoisans deserve change now”

By Kimberly A. Lightford – February 6, 2021



“VERIFY: 4 key components of Illinois' criminal justice reform bill”

Hannah Rodriguez – February 10, 2021


ACLU Illinois

“Despite Headlines Suggesting Otherwise, Police and Criminal Justice Reform Bill Enjoys Wide Support in Illinois”

By N/A – February 21, 2021


ACLU Illinois

“ACLU Celebrates Police and Criminal Justice Reform Being Signed Into Law by Gov. Pritzker”

By N/A – February 22, 2021


Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation

“Pretrial Fairness Act Becomes IL Law”

By N/A February 22, 2021


Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts

“VICTORY: Governor Pritzker Abolishes Money Bail by Signing HB 3653 – The SAFE-T Act – into Law”

By Stephanie Agnew – February 22, 2021

VICTORY: Governor Pritzker Abolishes Money Bail by Signing HB 3653 - The SAFE-T Act - into Law | Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts


Chicago Tribune

“Editorial: If you’re worried about ending cash bail, you’re fearmongering, Pritzker says”

By The Editorial Board – February 22, 2021


Fox 2 Now

“Pritzker debunks myths of Illinois criminal justice reform bill”

By N/A – February 22, 2021


The Justice Management Institute

“The Pretrial Fairness Act: Getting Reform Right”

By N/A – February 22, 2021



“Illinois Becomes 1st State To Eliminate Cash Bail”

By N/A – February 22, 2021



“Pritzker administration rebuts Illinois Sheriffs’ Association claims about new criminal justice reform law”

By N/A – February 23, 2021


Injustice Watch

“Illinois criminal justice reform ends cash bail, changes felony murder rule”

By Emanuella Evans and Rita Oceguera – February 23, 2021


Lake and McHenry County Scanner

"Lake, McHenry county sheriffs speak out after Gov. Pritzker signs criminal justice reform bill"

By Sam Borcia - February 23, 2021


Common Dreams

“'All Other States Should Follow': Advocates Applaud as Illinois Approves Elimination of Cash Bail”

By Jessica Corbett – February 24, 2021


St. Louis Post Dispatch

“Editorial: A new Illinois law would let judges, not finances, determine who stays in jail”

By The Editorial Board – February 24, 2021


Yahoo News

“Illinois becomes first state to end cash bail”

By Safia Samee Ali – Feburary 24, 2021


KBIA 91.3 FM

“A Massive Criminal Justice Reform Bill Is Now Law In Illinois. What Happens Next?”

By N/A – February 26, 2021     



“Illinois Becomes First State To Get Rid Of Cash Bail”

By Ashleigh Carter – February 26, 2021


The News-Gazette

“My Turn | 'HB 3653 expands safety, fairness and justice'”

By Minnie Pearson – March 2, 2021


Law Office of Steven Fine

“Pritzker Signs Criminal Justice Reform Bill Ending Cash Bail”

By Steven Fine – March 8, 2021


Madison – St. Clair Record

“Ending cash bail is fair to the poor”

By The Madison County Record – March 9, 2021


The Daily Illini

“Illinois abolishes money bail after activist push”

By Amrita Bhattacharyya – March 11, 2021


The Southern Illinoisan

“Voice of the Reader: Changing double standard”

By N/A - March 12, 2021


Chicago Reader

“Bail abolition is just the tip of the iceberg”

By Maya Dukmasova – March 19, 2021


Weekly Citizen

“Senator Sims Reflects on Criminal Justice Reform”

By Tia Carol Jones – March 24, 2021


State Journal Register

“Guest opinion: Why the end of cash bail is good for Illinois survivors”

By - Madeleine Behr and Amanda Pyron, April 24, 2021



“Advocates: lllinois' Criminal Justice Reform Law Replaces 'Irrational System'”

By Colleen Reynolds – April 28, 2021



“Illinois becomes first state to eliminate cash bail”

By Donna Miller – May 3, 2021


Illinois Newsroom

“Illinois House Passes Bipartisan Ban On Deceptive Interrogation Of Minors”

By Raymon Troncoso – May 29, 2021


Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police

"Final language emerges in HB 3443 SA5; why we support it"

By N/A - May 31, 2021


Illinois News Live

“Legislators Pass Follow-up Criminal Justice Bill to Address Police Concerns | News”

By Roger Milian, June 2, 2021


The Pantagraph

“Illinois lawmakers pass follow-up criminal justice bill”

By Raymon Troncoso – June 2, 2021


Heart of Illinois ABC

“Law enforcement hopeful with follow-up criminal justice reform bill”

By N/A – June 3, 2021


Journal Gazette & Times Courier

“Illinois lawmakers pass follow-up criminal justice bill”

By Raymon Troncoso – June 3, 2021

“Law enforcement hopeful with follow-up criminal justice reform bill”

By N/A – June 3, 2021


Chicago Tribune

"Oak Lawn mayor, police chief see trailer bill as a slight win for law enforcement"

By Jesse Wright - June 16, 2021



“New Studies Show Simultaneous Decline In Incarceration Rates And Crime Rates In Lake County”

By N/A – June 23, 2021


The Telegraph

"Area police chiefs comment on reforms in the SAFE-T Act"

By Shepard Price - June 24, 2021



“Support IL HB 3653”

By Jessie Clayton – Date N/A


Coalition To End Money Bond

“The Pretrial Fairness Act: Ending Money Bond and Dramatically the amount of people incarcerated pretrial in Illinois”

By N/A – 2021

House Bill 3653 was written to increase public safety for everyone while dismantling the systems that hold Black people back from achieving their full potential, as well as increasing trust between law enforcement and the Black community.


The culmination of nine public hearings during which over 30 hours of testimony was gathered by the General Assembly, it focuses on police accountability, including police training, limits on the use of force, and increased transparency and accountability regarding officer misconduct.


What The Safe-T Act Does

House Bill 3653

SAFE-TAct Pretrial Practice Comparison

Safe-T Act Myth vs. Fact 1

Safe-T Act Myth vs. Fact 2

Safe-T Act Myth vs. Fact 3

10 things



Click here for a detailed fact sheet explaining the legislation.


Click here for the measure’s full text.


This report from Illinois State Police compiles crime statistics from across the state, including crime index and arrest rates. All data reflects reports made to ISP by local law enforcement agencies.


Click here for a fact sheet on the pretrial fairness act portion of the SAFE-T Act. (Español)

Claim: There’s a list of violent crimes that people will not be arrested for come September 18, 2023 when the Pretrial Fairness Act portion of the SAFE-T Act takes effect.

Fact: The list is not accurate. Most of the charges listed are detainable if the court believes the person will not show up to court  and anyone who is arrested for one of these charges while already on pretrial release for another crime can be denied release until trial.

Fact: Under the Pretrial Fairness Act portion of the SAFE-T Act, persons accused of a crime involving the use of a gun can be held in jail until their trial without the option of paying bail if prosecutors present evidence to a judge that the person poses a danger to someone else or is a flight risk. The ad claims that the law will “set free” people charged with offenses like kidnapping and robbery - but in fact, the law allows courts to hold people accused of those offenses in custody if they pose a flight risk.


Claim: In Illinois, police will be banned from removing trespassers from your home as of September 18, 2023.

Fact:This is false. There is nothing banning police from removing trespassers from your home. The police maintain the discretion to arrest anyone who poses an obvious threat to the community or any person or to their own safety.


Claim: People currently incarcerated will be released September 18, 2023, when portions of the SAFE-T Act related to cash bail are effective.

Fact: After September 18, 2023, judges will still have the ability to detain people. Any person charged with murder may be denied pretrial release.

Fact: Under the current pretrial system, anyone in jail who makes bail can be released. In the current system, the amount of money someone has determines whether they can be released—not whether they pose a threat to someone else or are likely to flee prosecution.


Claim:If the SAFE-T Act had been in effect when Drew Peterson killed his wife he would not have been able to be arrested.

Fact: Anyone charged with murder who poses a threat to another person can and would be denied release under the Pretrial Fairness Act portion of the SAFE-T Act.


Claim: When Illinois eliminates cash bail September 18, 2023 murders, kidnappers and rapists will not be arrested, but instead just issued a notice to appear in court.

Fact: This is absolutely false. There is nothing in the Pretrial Fairness Act preventing arrests for these crimes. The Pretrial Fairness Act also allows all of these individuals to be detained pending trial. Only individuals who commit minor crimes are issued notices to appear in court. The Pretrial Fairness Act portion of the SAFE-T Act ensures that the facts of a person’s case will be the main factor determining who is jailed and who is released pretrial, instead of the size of their bank account.


Claim: Serial domestic abusers, sex offenders and residential burglars will be set free without judges being allowed to consider general public safety.

Fact: Judges retain the power to deny release for all these alleged offenses: domestic violence, sex offenses and residential burglary.


Claim: Law enforcement must complete their reports in a very short period of time in order to comply with the “48 hour rule”.  In that short time frame, they will need to report to prosecutors and then prosecutors must review the reports, make charging decisions, bring offenders to court, and present evidence showing the accused is a threat. This is an almost impossible standard and an unfunded mandate.

Fact: There is already a time requirement between arrest and when someone must appear in court, which is based on US Supreme Court case law requirements. Currently, within 48 hours of arrest, a judge must make a finding of probable cause to allow law enforcement to keep someone in custody. The Pretrial Fairness Act portion of the SAFE-T Act does not change this initial timeline between arrest and appearance in court. The 24-hour and 48-hour timelines in the SAFE-T Act apply to detention hearings, which occur after someone has already appeared in court for the first time. As a result, the Pretrial Fairness Act portion will likely mean there is a longer timeframe between when someone is arrested and when the decision about their release or detention is made compared to the status quo.


Claim: The new law eliminates the ability to hold people in custody in an in-patient setting in clear crimes of substance abuse or mental illness.

Fact: Mental illness and issues with substance use are not crimes, and jails are not treatment centers. Judges retain the power to issue conditions of release including ordering treatment and assessments.  


Claim: Come September 18, 2023, no one will remain in jail longer than 90 days if they need a trial. After the 90th day, they get out, no matter what crime they committed and then, if they don’t show up for court, a warrant won’t be obtained and they won’t come back to court.

Fact: Nothing in the law requires the release of people on September 18, 2023. A determination on continued detention will need to be made in accordance with the law. The Illinois Supreme Court is working with courts and providing guidance on these hearings and more. It should be noted that individuals charged with violent crimes, such as murder and rape will still be detained under PFA.


Claim: The legislation reforms qualified immunity.

Fact: The legislation creates a task force to discuss qualified immunity and related issues. Law enforcement has several representatives on this commission.


Claim: The legislation was “devised to destroy law enforcement and empower criminals.”

Fact: The legislation creates additional protections for good officers, with increased training, mental health support, and legal protections to prevent retaliation against officers who prevent or report police abuses.

It also creates additional procedures to protect the rights of people who have been accused but not convicted of crimes, including clearer rules about allowing people who have been arrested to make phone calls and new legal responsibilities for law enforcement to provide appropriate medical assistance to anyone in their custody – particularly pregnant women.


Claim: This is a bill that will remove police from actively patrolling.

Fact: Nothing in this legislation prohibits or discourages active patrolling. It does, however, increase training to help law enforcement better respond to crises and understand how to appropriately use force in dangerous situations.


Claim: The legislation eliminates felony murder.

Fact: The legislation does not eliminate felony murder, but only makes agreed upon clarifications to whom it applies.


Claim: The legislation eliminates funding for law enforcement agencies.

Fact: The legislation does not reduce funding for law enforcement. In fact, it creates a financial incentive to law enforcement agencies that try to meet state deadlines for adopting body camera use.


Claim: The legislation enacts significant changes to keep criminals in custody.

Fact: The system makes minor changes to update sentencing law, most notably prohibiting the practice of revoking someone’s driver’s license for failure to pay fees. This practice makes it difficult for people to maintain employment and pay their fees and other bills.


Claim: The legislation makes significant changes to law enforcement’s ability to arrest criminals.

Fact: The legislation makes changes to increase trust between law enforcement and the community and to ensure that potentially deadly force is only used when an individual presents a threat to others. For example, someone can’t be arrested for “resisting arrest” unless there is an underlying crime that would justify making an arrest in the first place.